MCA DoLS Provider Manager Course

Course description
This popular course gives a working knowledge of both the MCA & DoLS legislation which is of paramount importance to upholding the good standards of care expected from those in the care sectors. This course is aimed at Managers of Care Services who need to know, understand and comply with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard (DoLS) statutory requirements.
The course will cover:
- Current legislation
- List the functions of the Mental Capacity Act
- Policy and procedures
- Describe the groups that will be affected by the legislation
- The assessment procedure
- Explain what is meant by the functional test
- What is meant by best interests
- Explain the role of Lasting Power of Attorneys
- What protection is available for decision makers
- Explain the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards including up to date rulings regarding the ACID test
- Understand the limits of restraint issues
- Describe the function of the Court of Protection
- Understand the roles of various people involved
- Train others in Mental Capacity Act and DOLS requirements within their working environment
How long is this course?
This course lasts one day.
To book the course, please, call or email us.
Unit 3, Kingsdale Business Centre, Regina Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1PE